My Cousin Dave By Alex James

Created by Liz 3 years ago
From a young Child Alex lived at Ashford Farm (next-door ) with Nan and Grandpa Hallett. He lived with Nan after Grandpa died until he went to University. He now lives in China.

My cousin Dave (never David to me) was part of the fabric and rhythm of my Ashford upbringing. Every evening he would visit us at the big house, walking up the driveway impervious to wind and rain, laughter bursting out as he clapped his hands in glee at recollections of Dirty Den being bumped off or the cries of "oh a gun!"

Brisk footsteps sounding out along the hallway and like clockwork he would appear, striding into the kitchen in his raincoat, alway eager to lock eyes on you and tell you something abut Eastenders or the A-Team, always hungry to get his hands on some digestives, to wrap his fingers around yet another mug of tea.

On the days when I had the energy to run with his imagination, Dave was a riotous conversation partner who would boost my spirit with his mischievous observations. On other days he was a comforting  presence, consistent and reliable in his own way. Most of all though, it was that cheeky sparkle, that electric cackle of celebratory outrage which made Dave lovable and unique.