Shared Lives @thebluehousemakes.

Created by Liz 3 years ago

The Blue House was were Dave spent the last four and a half years of his life. He was very happy there. It was part of the Shared Lives scheme. The idea being that participants share their lives between time at the Carer's house and also living with family members. Dave should have come home regularly at weekends to spend time with his parents. That wasn't really possible for a couple of years as his Dad was dying from bone cancer and Mum busy being the full time carer.

It was social service's who saw the writing on the wall when Peter got his terminal diagnosis They suggested Dave move in to the Blue House. This came as a real shock to his parents who had never had other people make decisions about what was best for their wellbeing and also that of their son.

The Blue house is the home of Fran and Rachel and was the perfect place for Dave to go. Dave knew Fran from the Enterprise day care centre which he attended for many years. The  Blue house was a proper home and Dave felt very happy there. He had a teas maid and a telly in his room. He got a bit annoyed with Anne a previous resident  whom he accused of hoarding the toilet roll. Whether she  as Dave's Dad would say " Will remain one of lives mysteries".

If you google @thebluehousemakes you can see the artwork that Dave's old room mates have created during the pandemic lockdown. These impressive pieces of art, cards and prints are being sold online through Etsy. All profits go to charity.  Below is the link as it is hard to locate on the Esty website.
